A. Installation is straight forward. The program can be ran by a psychological assistant. However, a psychologist has to interpret the results.
A. Fepsy is an all purpose neuropsychological instrument. It can be used in a broad range of patient groups. See the publications.
A. Yes the tests are specifically useful to assess disorder in memory functions, such as impairments of vigilance in traumatic brain injury or sleeping disorders, alertness impairments caused by the impact of central active agents such as antidepressants or the typical slowing in vascular dementia or epilepsy. The publications (see heading publications) show the use of Fepsy in the major neuropsychiatric diseases.
A. Fepsy must be bought and used by a psychologist.
A. Fepsy is sold as is. It doesn’t pay to offer subtests separately, except for the CVST, see below under iPad.
A. The numbers vary somewhat dependent on the test. Controls mostly more than 1000.
A. The age range is from about 7 (children must be able to read simple words in the recognition tests) until 70.
A. Normative Data have been collected in Europe , mostly The Netherlands, U.K. and Scandinavia.
A. Fepsy is not a test, but a battery of tests which will normally not be used in total for all patients. Reaction time tests (30 items) will last about 3 minutes, vigilance about half an hour.
A. Test retest interval can be immediately as we do in our EEG matching continuous presentation of items.
A. The domains are alertnes/concentration/attention, short term memory, motor performance, problem solving, visual information processing, visual half field, rhythm perception, timed picture naming and a few questionnaires on memory complaints and neurotoxicity.
A. The CVST can be run separately on an iPad or iPhone on single test base. iPad requires iPadOS 12.0 or later, iPhone requires iOS 12.0 or later. The CVST app also runs on a Mac with M1 chip or later and macOS 11.0 or later.
A. This is in development.