This task is constructed according to principles of the original Corsi Block Tapping. The computerized version was designed by Aarts and Binnie in order to generate TCI’s (Transient Cognitive Impairment) due to shortduring epileptic discharges. We transformed this task back to Corsi’s principle of assessing the nonverbal span. For EEG purposes, Binnie’s task has been incorporated too.
N.B. We constructed this task for touch screens. We think this device is highly preferable above a mouse or even a light pen. However, use of a mouse is supported.
Nine grey buttons appear on the screen. Three buttons will flash after each other in a tempo of one per second. Then the testee has to point to the buttons in the same order as they appeared on the screen. There are three study items. Then the real trials start. If the order touching the buttons by the testee is correct, the amount of buttons will be incremented by one, until the testee fails on two consecutive trials. Then the “Span” is reached, the number of buttons which can be correctly pointed at.
Binnie’s Block
Now the “Superspan” will be determined. 24 trials will be presented of “SPAN + 1” buttons. The first trial will be repeated each 3rd trial. The theory of Corsi predicts that people with frontal lesions will perform worse on just these repeated trials. They will not learn that the same configuration is being repeated.
Corsi’s Block